Syniverse and RealNetworks Collaborate to Block Spam and Phishing in Text Messages

It seems as if there are few technology issues that businesses, consumers, regulators, and lawmakers agree on more than the need to control and reduce the level of spam in today’s digital communications. This is one reason why we’re pleased to announce this week that we’re partnering with RealNetworks to develop a solution to combat spam in text messages, which you can read about in detail in the link to the news release here.  

News release: “Syniverse and RealNetworks Collaboration Brings Kontxt-Based Machine Learning Analytics to Block Spam and Phishing Text Messages”

Our partnership will provide a big benefit for consumers by enabling mobile service providers to minimize a disruptive and annoying part of text messaging for consumers, and at the same time build more meaningful relationships with consumers by protecting them from untrustworthy messages and ensuring messages that reach them are wanted and relevant. To this end, the news release reports how we’re working together to incorporate sophisticated machine learning features into our integrated offering to give mobile network operators (MNOs) visibility and control over mobile messaging traffic. By integrating the RealNetworks Kontxt application-to-person (A2P) message categorization capabilities into Syniverse Messaging Clarity, mobile operators can enable internet service providers (ISPs) and messaging aggregators to identify and block spam, phishing, and malicious messages by prioritizing legitimate A2P traffic, allowing them to better monetize their services.

Specifically, the Syniverse and RealNetworks Kontxt message classification provides companies the ability to ensure that urgent messages, like one-time passwords, are sent at a premium rate compared with lower-priority notifications, such as promotional offers. The Syniverse Messaging Clarity solution also helps eliminate instances of extreme message spam phishing, also known as “smishing.” This type of attack recently occurred with a global shipping company when spam texts were sent to consumers with the request to click a link to receive an update on a package delivery for a phantom order. Ultimately, our solution will help both the consumer, who will receive more appropriate text messages and less spam, as well as the operator, which will be able to build greater customer trust and improve the overall customer experience. We’re looking forward to our next steps with RealNetworks on this, and we urge you to read the full news release to learn more.  

Gahn Lane is Vice President, Indirect Markets, at Syniverse and works in Dallas, Texas.



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