How Evolved Mobility Enables

The topic of 3G sunsetting continues to be top of mind for many global mobile network operators (MNOs). As the momentum for 5G adoption continues to build, so does interest in reallocating spectrum and resources from legacy networks to lower costs and improve efficiencies. This transition will have a significant impact on both inbound and outbound roamers.

MNOs will need the ability to support subscribers who either roam into a mobile network that no longer supports 3G or roam in from a network that has yet to implement VoLTE roaming. MNOs who do not take steps now to implement solutions for this, risk the ability to support positive outbound roaming experiences and maintain inbound roaming revenues.

To help MNOs efficiently handle 3G retirement and transition to newer technologies such as 5G, Syniverse has developed a new solution suite: Evolved Mobility. Designed to help MNOs alleviate the issues noted above, Evolved Mobility creates a bridge between 3G and VoLTE. This bridge allows for interworking between operators who are at various levels of implementing and supporting VoLTE.

By essentially becoming the “home operator”, Syniverse can support the main operating components, including the IMS core and telephony application servers, but also the interworking services. This basically sets-up a scenario where Evolved Mobility makes it seem as if the home operator has VoLTE in its own core, removing the need for circuit-switched fallback to establish voice and ultimately data services.

With this core ability in place by a visited operator, a MNO that has not yet implemented VoLTE roaming can now support their subscribers as they roam into a visited network that has retired 3G. In addition, Evolved Mobility also allows an operator who has retired their 3G networks to also support their own subscribers as they roam outbound to a visited operator who does not support VoLTE roaming.  

For more than three decades, Syniverse has managed the transition from each generation of mobile network technologies. With Evolved Mobility, Syniverse continues to drive innovation and interoperability across the mobile ecosystem. Syniverse offers guaranteed quality- of-service features along with a knowledgeable customer support department with technical expertise, along with an extensive offering of innovative and forward-thinking solutions supporting 4G, VoLTE, and 5G services.

Syniverse’s 3G to VoLTE Roaming is the only solution that allows the visited network to continue to focus strictly on VoLTE roaming while the home network focuses strictly on 3G voice calling. Neither the visited nor home operator has to change their behavior to benefit from Syniverse’s solution.

In the linked tech talk video, I quickly explain how Evolved Mobility gives MNOs the ability to support both inbound and outbound subscribers once a 3G network has been shut down.



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