From the first days of 5G standards development several years ago to the first commercial 5G rollouts this year, Syniverse has been right at the forefront of helping companies understand and integrate this groundbreaking technology, and this year – and especially the last few months – has been one of our most productive periods yet. Two weeks ago, my colleague Richard Hodges, Director of our Innovation Lab, and I hosted a webinar, “Monetizing for 5G: New frontiers for Mobile,” and we’ve just followed this up with the release of our full 5G report from the webinar, which is now available to download: “5G Enterprise Ecosystems: Marketplaces, Settlement & Billing.”

Richard Hodges, who co-led the webinar from our Tampa office.

The webinar and the new report have put in focus the results of a major 5G study we conducted earlier this year. To prepare for the seismic shift that 5G is bringing to the mobile landscape, we completed research to assess one of the big unknowns with 5G: How will mobile operators actually begin to make use of 5G to provide new services for companies, and how important a part will these services play in operators’ business models? The findings from our study along with other recent customer work have led us to define several crucial implications that operators and companies should know as they prepare to move forward with 5G.
I invite you to check out more about our latest chapter with 5G by downloading the report, which builds on a number of accomplishments with 5G that I’ve blogged about recently.
As 5G begins to become commercially available this year, we’re truly entering a new technology era, where more and more things will be able to connect to ubiquitous, high-speed mobile networks to empower a new world of real-time experiences. Together we are building a technology foundation that will enable a new breed of innovations, such as cars that can safely drive themselves, buildings that can regulate their electrical and water systems, and doctors that can monitor patients’ vital signs and make diagnoses remotely in real time. At Syniverse, we look forward to advancing our role as an experienced player in this new 5G world, and to sharing more updates on our journey soon.
Download “5G Enterprise Ecosystems: Marketplaces, Settlement & Billing” report

As Senior Strategy Director and Head of Industry Standards at Syniverse, Pradeep Bhardwaj serves as a senior technology adviser overseeing strategic initiatives to advance the adoption of leading-edge technologies and standards, such as 5G, the internet of things, mobile edge computing, LTE, and VoLTE. Pradeep joined Syniverse in 2005 and has built a career that encompasses more than 26 years of experience with mobile operators and telecommunication companies in the areas of GSM, fixed-line, international, wholesale, international roaming, messaging, signaling, satellite, data, and IP communications. Pradeep’s emphasis is on technology strategy, industry standards, systems engineering, and architecture. Among the leadership roles he has held in the industry, he served as the chairman of the GSMA Hubbing Provider Interworking Group from its inception to its end. He may be reached at