
Products & Services



Protect your business. Deliver secure customer communications in real time with the #1-ranked* messaging platform.

Prevent fraud. Reduce false declines. Increase customer satisfaction.

$35 billion. That’s the estimated amount of fraud loss for banks and merchants globally by 2020, according to a recent Nilson Report. Is your business prepared for the fight against fraud?

We partnered with one of the largest banks in the U.S. to address this problem. The solution? A fraud alerts program that enabled account holders to validate ATM and card transactions in real time via two-way text messaging. The result?

  • 2+ million fraud alerts sent to account holders monthly
  • An 80%+ account holder response rate
  • Messages delivered to account holders within 3-5 seconds of their transactions

Not only did these text messages help prevent potential fraud, but they also helped the bank build credibility with their customers and avoid wrongfully freezing account holder cards.


Our secure mobile messaging platform gives you the ability to send messages, like one-time passwords and fraud alerts, in real time, across mobile channels. Arming you with the proper tools and technology to stay on the defense. You can also take advantage of these benefits: